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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs

Message  Youko Jeu 30 Oct - 16:35

1- What kind of Pokemon is Jigglypuff if I used the Poke-power Baby Evolution?
2- How come an attack that deals damage from an effect can be increased?
3- What are the rulings about putting damages?
4- How does Raichu's Poke-body works?
5- What happens if I Knock out an opponent's Pokemon with Voltage Shoot on the first turn I put Raichu LV X on the field?
6- What if an attack requires 'Discard a 'type' of card,....' effect and we can't discard the required card?
7- If a Pokemon has to deal 30 damage to two benched Pokemon, and there is only one? Does the attack still work and deal 30 to only one or no damage at all?

1 - Jigglypuff would be both a Basic Pokemon and an Evolved Pokemon. Cards which have an effect on "Evolved Pokemon" would have an effect on Jigglypuff.

2 - All of the cards that you mentioned only increase damage done to your opponent's Active Pokemon. If you used Buck's Training, and then Tyranitar's Spinning Tail attack (assuming no other effects, such as Special Darkness Energy or Weakness/Resistance), it would do 40 damage to your opponent's Active Pokemon, and 30 damage to each of your opponent's Benched Pokemon.

If the text of an attack states that it does damage, then effects which increase or decrease damage would affect the damage of that attack. Spinning Tail specifically states that it does damage, so that damage can be increased.

3 - Attacks which place damage counters are different than attacks which do damage. If you used Gengar's Shadow Room attack ("Put 3 damage counters on 1 of your opponent's Pokemon. If that Pokemon has any Poke-Powers, put 6 damage counters on that Pokemon instead.") on a Pokemon with Weakness or Resistance to Psychic, the attack would still place 3 (or 6 if it has a Poke-Power) damage counters on that Pokemon. Cards like PlusPower or Buck's Training would not affect the number of damage counters placed by Shadow Room.

4 - Link Lightning specifically states that it must be "another" attack on Raichu. Since the LV.X rule states that it can use any attack from it's previous level, Link Lightning will allow you to use an attack on the Raichu below Raichu LV.X. You cannot use Voltage Shoot twice on the same turn.

5 - Knocked Out Pokemon are not replaced until the end of the active player's turn. If you Knock Out the Defending Pokemon with Voltage Shoot and you wanted to take advantage of Link Lightning, you would need to use an attack on Raichu that allowed you to target one of your opponent's Benched Pokemon or that did not target a Defending Pokemon at all, such as the Mysterious Treasures Raichu's Electromagnetic Induction attack (Search your deck for up to 2 L Energy cards and attach them to 1 of your Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward.). However, keep in mind that Voltage Shoot allows you to attack any of your opponent's Pokemon, not just their Active. So, depending on which version of Raichu you are using, you might be better off hitting a Benched Pokemon with Voltage Shoot, and the Active Pokemon with the other attack.

6 - If you can't pay the cost for the attack, you can't use the attack. It's treated exactly the same way as if you only had 2 Energy on Raichu and tried to attack with Burst Ball.

7 - If your opponent only has 1 Benched Pokemon you do 20 damage to that Pokemon. The other 20 damage has no target, so it does not occur.


Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2008
Age : 34

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Link Lightning = Erreur au numéro 4 et 5

Message  Themagicman Sam 15 Nov - 19:59


Juste vous aviser que la réponse aux questions numéro 4 et 5 sont inexactes.

Selon le PUI Compendium il faut que le joueur remplace son KO Pokemon, vous prenez votre prix et ensuite vous utilisez le Poké-Body.

== LINK LIGHTNING (Raichu Lv.X - DP:Stormfront)

Q. Raichu Lv.X's "Link Lightning" Poke-BODY says if I level up and use "Voltage Shoot" in the same turn, I can attack with another of Raichu's attacks. Can I use "Voltage Shoot" again?
A. Yes, you may choose Voltage Shoot again as your second attack. (Oct 30, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

Q. When using Raichu Lv.X's "Link Lightning" Poke-BODY, if I Knock Out the Defending Pokemon when using "Voltage Shoot" as my first attack, is a new Active Pokemon promoted before I do my second Attack?
A. As the Defending Pokemon is Knocked Out, your opponent has to choose and set the new Active Pokemon before Raichu's Link Lightning Poke-BODY works. You take a Prize card after your opponent brings up a new Active Pokemon, and Raichu uses an attack one more time. (Oct 30, 2008 PUI Rules Team)

Vous trouverez le Compendium sur Pokegym.net

Themagicman jocolor


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008
Age : 56
Localisation : Gatineau, QC

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty BABY EVOLUTION = ERREUR AU NUMéRO 1

Message  Themagicman Sam 15 Nov - 20:10

Bonjour encore,

Je viens de remarquer que la réponse à la question # 1 est inexacte également.

Voir le PUI Compendium;

Baby Evolution (Tyrogue - Legends Awakened; Chingling - Majestic Dawn; Munchlax - Majestic Dawn; Others)

Q. For the Pokémon with the power "Baby Evolution", can I use this power to attach its evolved form on the same turn it comes into play?
A. Baby Evolution can be played on the first turn that Pokémon is in play, even if it is the first turn of the game. (Sep 11, 2003 PUI Rules Team; Jul 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Q. If I use "Baby Evolution" to evolve Pichu into Pikachu, or Wynaut into Wobbuffet, is the resulting Pokémon. (Pikachu, Wobbuffet, etc.) considered an "Evolved Pokémon.", or is it still considered as a "Basic Pokémon."?
A. Any time you evolve a Pokémon. into another stage, it is considered to be an "Evolved Pokémon.", even if the words written on the card say "Basic". (Jan 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Themagicman jocolor


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008
Age : 56
Localisation : Gatineau, QC

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Q - 1

Message  Youko Sam 15 Nov - 22:10

En ce qui concerne la question 1, il n'y a pas d'erreur, il suffit de bien lire la réponse. La réponse dit bel et bien que le Pokemon qui a été évolué est un basic vu que c'est écrit basic, mais c'est plutôt considéré comme un Evolved Pokemon.


Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2008
Age : 34

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Q - 4 et 5

Message  Youko Sam 15 Nov - 22:20

En ce qui concerne les questions 4 et 5, la réponse a été fournie avant même que le compendium a pu été annoncer. Le répondeur officiel de Go-Pokemon OP a donné une réponse partielle qui respectait les vieilles règles de jeu. Il était supposé m'envoyer un message s'il y avait des changements, mais ce n'est pas le cas...

Sa réponse semblait logique vu que les termes employé par le body de Raichu dit 'another attack of Raichu' et non 'any other attack of Raichu'. Bref, les termes portaient à confusion hehe.

(another attack of Raichu = une autre attaque de Raichu) tandis que (any other attack of Raichu = n'importe quelle attaque de Raichu)

Merci pour les corrections de rulings!


Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2008
Age : 34

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Chain lighting / Voltage Shoot simplifié

Message  maniclo Dim 16 Nov - 4:34

Si une question est posé sur une cartes pendant un tournoi et que ni les juges ,et ni le compendum peuvent repondre en etant certain ou presque ,une bonne faccon de démeler le texte est d'aller voir la traduction complete de celle-ci avant l'impression .La traduction est beaucoup plus claire et en voici un exemple:
traduction pokebeach.com:
Poke-Body: Chain Lightning
If this Pokemon uses Voltage Shoot on the turn it Levels Up, afterward this Pokemon can attack 1 additional time (and only once). This Body stops working it this Pokemon is affected by a Special Condition.

Et avec ce texte , c'est vraiement claire qu'on peux utiliser une deuxieme fois voltage shoot.

Quand Nintendo imprime les cartes , ils font des résumés.
on trouve des traductions sur pokebeach mais il doit y avoir un autre site pour les traductions officielle. je crois que c'est IFPS le nom des traduction officielles mais j'ai rien trouvé la dessus.

D'autre exemples :Errata de gengar

traduction pokebeach.com avant les pre-release :
Poke-Power: Death Sentence
You can use this Power once during your opponent’s turn, when this Pokemon’s HP is reduced to 0 by damage from an attack. Flip a coin, if heads the attacking Pokemon is Knocked Out.

Futur errata de roserade :
traduction pokebeach avant les pre-release
If this Pokemon is your Active Pokemon and is damaged by an opponent’s attack (even if its HP is reduced to 0), the attacking Pokemon is now Poisoned.

Pour ce qui est de gengar et roserade il faut remarquer que la traduction dit " the attacking pokemon " et non the defending comme c'est ecrit sur la carte.

Et il y en a plein d'autres comme ca.

C'est juste un outil de plus pour donner de bonnes réponses quand c'est nescessaire , c'est pas officiel ,mais ca aide.

Dernière édition par maniclo le Dim 16 Nov - 4:39, édité 1 fois (Raison : ca passe mieux comme ca)


Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Q1

Message  Themagicman Dim 16 Nov - 4:51

La réponse du compendium est celle-ci;
Q. If I use "Baby Evolution" to evolve Pichu into Pikachu, or Wynaut into Wobbuffet, is the resulting Pokémon. (Pikachu, Wobbuffet, etc.) considered an "Evolved Pokémon.", or is it still considered as a "Basic Pokémon."?
A. Any time you evolve a Pokémon. into another stage, it is considered to be an "Evolved Pokémon.", even if the words written on the card say "Basic". (Jan 22, 2004 PUI Rules Team)

Even if = Même si

Donc traduction...le Pokémon est considéré comme évolué "même si" les mots disent "basic".

Pour ce qui est de Pokebeach.com ce n'est pas un site officiel. Cependant Pokegym.net et le Compendium sont approuvés par PUI. Donc le compendium devrait être la seule source officielle pour les règles. PUI obligent même tous les Professeurs à consulter le Compendium s'ils ont des questions de règles.

Je ne veux surtout pas faire la leçon à personne. Mon but (et le votre aussi j'en suis certain) est seulement d'aider les joueurs à comprendre les règles. Merci pour votre travail. C'est super.

Themagicman jocolor


Messages : 7
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008
Age : 56
Localisation : Gatineau, QC

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty baby evolution

Message  maniclo Dim 16 Nov - 13:49

ok , mais un evolved pokemon peut etre un stage1 evolved pokemon , un stage2 evolved pokemon , et dans le cas ou on utilise baby evolution c'est un basic evolved pokemon.
Et c'est pour ca que la reponse ci-haut dit both basic et evolved, et on pourait dire both stage 1 et evolved etc.


Messages : 3
Date d'inscription : 11/11/2008

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Q1

Message  Youko Dim 16 Nov - 13:50

C'est ce que la phrase nous dit lol, j'avoue que celui qui m'a repondu aurait du etre plus clair, mais je lui avais envoye environ 15 questions, alors il a du faire ca vite vite, vu la taille de mes questions =P


Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2008
Age : 34

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Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs Empty Re: Baby Evo(suite)/ Effect damage/ Put damage/ Raichu LV X/ Attack costs

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