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Charizard Base Set/Tyranitar/Torterra-Sceptile/Baby Evo+Rare candy

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Charizard Base Set/Tyranitar/Torterra-Sceptile/Baby Evo+Rare candy Empty Charizard Base Set/Tyranitar/Torterra-Sceptile/Baby Evo+Rare candy

Message  Youko Mar 28 Oct - 0:44

1- I was wondering if there are any rulings/errata
concerning the newly pre-released set Stormfront D&P.

No errata to report so far. Please keep checking go-pokemon.com for further information.

2- I would like to know if we can play the 1st serie
ever Charizard? and how?

Yes, you can use Base Set Charizard in your deck, and play it just like other cards.

3- Concerning Tyranitar's Spinning Tail and such attacks
that the effect deals damage. If I use pluspower, buck''s
training, etc. Does the damage adds up?

Both PlusPower and Buck's Training allows Tyranitar to do 10 more damage only to the Active Pokmon (Defending Pokemon), and not to the Benched Pokemon. In other words, Tyranitar does not do 10 more damage (40 damage) to Benched Pokemon.
(À vérifier)

4- If I have a Stormfront Torterra, and I put the LV X
on it, does Sceptile's Poke-body Wild Growth works?

Yes, Sceptile's Poke-Body works for Torterra LV.X, because Torterra is now a Grass-type Pokemon.

5- If I have a baby pokemon, and I use it's Poke-power
to evolve it into another basic, can I use Rare candy to
evolve it into a Stage 1 or Stage 2?

No, you cannot play Rare Candy only for non-Evolved Pokemon. Pokemon that evolved by using Poke-Power Baby Evolution is counted as an Evolved Pokemon.
(À vérifier)


Messages : 37
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2008
Age : 34

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